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What can one possibly say about Saint Denis? Let’s begin with some basic information – the abbey church is important both to French politics and architectural history. A “royal” church, it is the burial place of French Kings. Many consider it the birthplace of Gothic cathedral architecture, due to its pointed arches, rib vaulting, and skeletal
structure. These features can be seen in other, older structures, but they came together in a very special way at Saint Denis. I had studied this church and seen many photos of it in my cathedral books so was looking forward to seeing the Abbey of Saint Denis in person.

Nothing had prepared me for entering this stunning church. It literally takes your breath away. We have spent several days looking at gothic churches and seen how the master masons explored and experimented with new styles and building techniques. Saint Denis is on a whole different level.

We were there on a sunny day and the colors that filled the interior were magical. So, I will write less, talk less so we 
can enjoy this visual journey into heaven on earth.

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